Welcome to POTENTIAL-in-MIND Coaching
We offer you a range of professional business and personal Coaching services to enable you to raise your performance, potential, motivation, achievement and enjoyment in both your working and personal life.
Our clients come from all areas of business and from all walks of life but share one thing in common - a desire to get the best from their life and the commitment and passion to make positive change.
Personal Coaching / LifeCoaching Much in the media at present, this is coaching for the individual aimed to improve your quality of life by increasing your success, accomplishment and satisfaction in any key area of your life. Popular topics are:- Career, Financial, Feeling stuck, relationships, isolation, worklife balance, stress, redundancy / change, personal effectiveness, Fear, self doubt confidence and low self esteem.
Business Coaching, Coaching for business owners and entrepreneurs wanting to increase their performance, focus, effectiveness, motivation and creativity. They also frequently reduce stress and gain greater enjoyment of their enterprise. Popular topics : Marketing, time management, networking, organisation, negotiation and work life balance (getting some!).
Professional & Executive Coaching Coaching for Executives, senior managers and professionals. Many senior staff who have experienced coaching through their companies, work with us on an individual basis to extend coaching to their own agendas. This may concern managing their career or life balance, managing pressure at work, countering stress or improving achievement and progression.
Business and Corporate Services Corporate Coaching provides senior trained coaching staff to work within companies with key staff, to a strategic plan and objective. Briefs may involve working with individuals, groups or teams on issues such as:-
- improving performance,
- role transitions,
- motivation,
- strategic planning,
- managing change,
- project support,
- facilitation,
- turnaround/ recovery,
- stress management
- personnel support
We also combine coaching with subject area expertise in several commercial and project based disciplines see also www.Applied-Coaching.com